Sunday, September 19, 2004


Are Termites in Your House?

The above site (as listed on Google) has some useful info on determining if termites have took up residence in your home. The first sign is often the appearance of winged termites. The next signs are earthen shelter tubes which the termites use to as a passageway into the home from the soil. The third sign is hollow wood which is more likely to be found near the ground.

Sunday, September 12, 2004


More Ants vs Termite References

I've found a lot of useful resources for comparing termites vs ants. These all point to Google's image directory which caches picture thumbnails. First, its useful to understand how the different termites castes and how their looks change. Here's a good diagram of the termite life cycle:

Here are some good comparisons between ants and termites. In addition to a good ant vs. termite diagram, it also does a good job at showing the differences between the various kinds of termites (soldiers, workers, winged reproductives, kings, and queens).

The following picture has a good comparison between winged ants and termites. The site which is on Google also has some good pictures of damaged that termites cause.

Friday, September 10, 2004


Beware of Treated Wood

To prevent damage by termites and to prevent rot, wood needs to be treated. However, beware of wood that has been treated with copper chromated arsentate (CCA). Lumber companies in the US have pledged to phase out the use of CCA in pressure-treated wood. However, there is still a lot of CCA wood in decks, play grounds, and in other places.

The arsenic in CCA wood has been proven to leach out. Long-term exposure to arsenic through breathing or skin contact can cause cancer. Be sure that you and your kids always wash hands after touching wood. Also, make sure kids don't play below decks. Be sure not to store toys under decks. Finally, don't burn treated wood.

Sunday, September 05, 2004


Picture of Termite

This picture of a termite shows some of the features that make it different than an ant. First, notice the antennae. The antennaes of termites tend to be bead-like. The antennaes also tend to be fairly straight where as ant antennaes tend to have elbow-like bents. Second, notice the wings. Unlike ants, termites have two pairs of wings that are similar in size and shape. These wings are usually as long or longer than the body. Third, note the body of the termite. It's a soft-body that is pretty much even. There are no bulges and skinny areas as there are in ants. Also, note the color. The color tends to be pale. Finally, it should be noted that many termites that you may see will not have wings. Younger termites will not have wings. Other classes of termites known as worker termites and soldier termites also will not have wings. In later posts, I'll include additional termite pictures.

Saturday, September 04, 2004


Ways to Eliminate Termites

I'll start by listing the basic ways of eliminating termites. In later posts, I'll go into each of these ways in much more detail. First, I'll start with the proven ways. These are the methods most professionals use. The last part of the list will include some less proven ways which can be cheaper and less toxic.


Ways to Prevent Termites

As the old saying goes, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. So in this post, I'll give some basic ways to prevent termites from getting inside your home:

Friday, September 03, 2004


Termites, Ants, and All Other Bugs that Do Damage

Welcome! This blog is intended to be a resource for all those who are battling destructive bugs. Nothing is more distressing than finding an infestation of termites eating up your home, or seeing ants taking over your kitchen.

In this blog, I'll include resources to help you identify the type of insect that you've found in your homme. From termite pictures to termite diagrams, I'll do my best to help you track down the source of the problem. In addition, I'll provide tips about what can help and the required steps that should be done.

Together, we can win the battle of the bugs and keep these nasty creatures away from our family and home.

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