Thursday, June 02, 2005


Massive Termite Swarms - Don't Panic

This article has some good termite lessons. The author describes the time when she lived in Los Angeles California and encountered swarms of termites in back of her house. She was in fear that her house would be turning to dust within days. She called frantically to get an exterminator over immediately. Apparently, she wasn't alone in her search for a termite company. The weather in the area was causing lots of termite swarming and she would have to wait at least a day for an inspection. This is a common fear of people. Swarming termites don't require immediate action.

With the help of the termite inspector, they found the source of the termites. The former owner of the house made the mistake of laying untreated wood on the ground as an edge for the asphalt driveway. Termites had made this their home. Once she got rid of this wood, the termite problem went away. No termite treatment was needed, and besides the wood along the driveway, there was no termite damage.

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