Wednesday, June 01, 2005


Some more info about what a termite looks like

What do termites look like? Well, here are some great pictures I found from the Agricultural Research Service (of the US Department. of Agriculture). Hopefully, they will help you in termite identification.

The below termite photo shows the US native subterranean termites. These are the soldier types.

Here's an example of a Formosan subterranean termite soldier. The Formosans are much more damaging than the native subterranean termites. Note the difference in the heads between this and the native.

Here's a photo of the what swarming Formosan termites look like. These winged termites are also called termite alates.

And here's a look at a queen termite. This is a picture of a Formosan subterranean termite queen. The queen can lay 1000's of eggs per day.

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